ፍናን ዝበዝሕ ሓይላ ተንብረሉ ኣብ
ውሑዳት ሃነጽቲ ተግባራት ብብዙሓት ሰባት እምረጽ ካብ ዓቢ ተግባራት ብውሑዳት ሰባት.
ፍናን፡ ንማሕበረሰባ ከተገልግል፡ ባዕላ ኣብ ዝሓንጸጸቶም መደባት እያ ክትነጥፍ ዓሊማ ዘላ። ትውሓድ ትንኣስ ንመካየዲ ስርሓ ዘድልያ ወጻኢታት ዓዓቕምና እንዳውጻእናላ ዋናታት መንገድናን ዕላማናን ክንከውን ፍናን ተማሕጽን።
"ሓምሳ ለሚን ንሓምሳ ጣዕሚ፡ ንሓደ ሰብ ሸኽሚ "ምስላ ኣበው
FNAN Efforts are aimed at
small positive actions from many people, rather than big ones from a few.
In order for FNAN to serve its community it seeks funds that meet its general operating support to provide innovative services, to be agile, flexible and be responsiveness to community change of needs.
" Fifty Lemons tasty for many, burden for one "Eritrean Proverb.