Purposed Mindset TBD
Purposed Mindset TBD
እተን ዓሰርተ መሳርሒ መንህብ፡ መፍለቕ ሓሳባት | the ten components of thinking environment.
Luwam Your Business Coach Testimonial
ust to share with you that the event FNAN organised to inspire our youth that are joining Universities, starting GCSE and A-Level, and Graduates embarking on their first career ladder, has gone very well.
This is a little thank you to our keynote speakers Luwam and Mesfin, and for all those who attended, and all those are giving FNAN a mention on Social Media, ... Until we prepare a brief report, do enjoy these photos shared by our FNANNER Selam Sebhat, thank you selam
Luwam Theodros Scorer is feeling blessed. 14 September 2019 at 23:48 ·
What an amazing day!!!! Still on cloud nine and I can’t believe it’s all happened today!! So grateful for all these opportunities! Feeling truly blessed! ????????❤️????
Thank you The Selam show - ሰላም ሾው for inviting me to your show for an interview. I was worried that my Tigrinya wouldn’t be that great but Selam Sebhat you made me fell so relaxed and I thoroughly enjoyed talking to you and meeting your wonderful husband. What you have achieved in such a short space of time is so inspiring!!! Well done!!!
Thank you FNAN Eritrean Youth and Family Outreach for asking me to speak at the incredible event you organised today and giving me this opportunity to connect and hopefully inspire those that attended. You are making such an impact on so many lives and I am truly humbled and very grateful you gave me the opportunity to be part of it. We are so lucky to have you all.
And a massive thank you to my mentor Ed J C Smith. Without your guidance, support, encouragement and belief in me none of this would have been possible! What you have taught me is not only having an impact on my life but also on others. I am grateful to have you in my life!
Luwam Your Business Coach
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Wisdom will come to you in the unlikeliest of sources,...
The Most Inspiring Speech: The Wisdom of a Third Grade Dropout Will Change Your Life | Rick Rigsby
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The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant
The 4 Important Laws of Growth (PAY ATTENTION)
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this video resonates with the purpose of FNAN | Resilience with the whole ethos at what we imagine is the message that FNAN needs to put across and inspire our community -- so we went ahead and translated it to Tigrinya | ትግርኛ - Eritrean Language.
Thank you.
ፍናን ማለት | Resilience-meaning
Resilience: You and a Mirror. Personal Motivation #2
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A climate change solution that's right under our feet | Asmeret Asefaw Berhe:
“If you have kids and you want to teach them or your self a good life lesson, have them and their friends play a soccer with no goal or basketball with no hoop or tennis with no net. Then you will understand that without goals you are just dribbling through life and you end where you don’t want to end with no purpose” — a wise comment
Jim Rohn - Best advice you can receive (Listen and learn)
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Little F’nan dares you:
F'NAN takes communication as a key, when it delivers information and it has a policy of enriching its mentors and mentee's to be good communicators. F'NAN's goal is to be known for its communication especially its Mentoring platform
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ፍናን /F’NAN/ in Tigrigna means ‘RESILIENCE’.
In Eritrean culture, resilience is deeply ingrained.
F’NAN came in to being by a group of like-minded Eritrean individuals to rekindle this Eritrean mantra and to start a conversation within the Eritrean diaspora, especially those in the United Kingdom.
This video presents the ten components of a Thinking Environment, from the book Time-to-think by Nancy Kline
ፍናንኩም ኣይፈለየና | Thank you
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